“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
- Howard Thurman

Hi, I’m Maria and I enjoy learning new things. This website was created as a way for me to learn openly by sharing my work on side projects. This includes writing about analytics and occasional tangents on anything which gets my attention. Learning openly is a process of sharing our experiences; putting our work out there opens it up to receiving feedback and provides examples that can help others make sense of their own creative processes.

On sabbatical. Over 10 years of experience in analyzing data and helping to guide business decisions: previously worked as an Analyst, and a Consultant prior. Studied Economics. I start each day by drinking coffee and reading abstracts.

Thanks for stopping by. For feedback, inquiries, or grabbing a coffee:
imlearningthethings [at] gmail

Learning handstands @ Wheeler
Peak grove (Great Basin, NV)